Fibroid Uterus
Uterine fibroids are growths in your uterus. Because they’re typically not cancerous, you can decide whether or not you want to have them removed. Surgery might also be an option if you want to get pregnant in the future. Sometimes fibroids can increase your risk of having a miscarriage or complications during your pregnancy.
Ovarian Cyst
Ovarian cysts are common growths that develop on or inside your ovaries. The most common kinds are harmless, don't cause symptoms and eventually go away without treatment. In case you have symptoms like abnormal bleeding, bloating pain in the abdomen, pelvic pressure pain, pain during or after sex, bowel or urinary symptoms (e.g., frequent urination) you should see your doctor.
Uterus Removal
A hysterectomy is surgery to completely or partially remove the uterus. It is a major surgical procedure that is associated with risks and side effects. So it is usually only considered if other treatments aren’t effective enough. If a woman has uterine or ovarian cancer, though, a hysterectomy may be necessary in order to remove the tumor.
Prolapsed Uterus
Uterine prolapse is when the uterus drops down into the vagina and possibly out of the body. The uterus begins to turn upside down and fall. This can cause problems such as pain and difficulty urinating. Mostly, hysterectomy surgery is required to correct the prolapsed uterus. The obliterative surgery is performed to narrow or close a part or all of the vagina. Reconstructive surgery is required to repair the pelvic floor and restore organs to their normal position.
All Gynic Cancer Surgeries
Cancer that develops in the reproductive organs. It could be in various places such as the cervix, ovary, uterus, etc. Everyone may not have the same symptoms of gynecological cancers. Every woman is at risk of having gynecological cancers. The risk of getting affected by this cancer increases as the age increases. Treatment might prove to be effective if it is found at an early stage.
Endometriosis surgery can diagnose and treat endometriosis — a condition in which tissue that typically grows inside of your uterus grows outside of it instead. Endometriosis laparoscopic surgery treats mild to severe cases by skilled surgeons trained in this method.