Although the symptoms may not always be evident, piles are a common medical condition that occurs in many people. There are several effective and best piles treatments, laser treatment for piles being one of the many treatments available. However, with a few lifestyle changes and home remedies, most people get relief from the symptoms.
Piles (medically known as hemorrhoids) are swollen and inflamed veins in the anal region. The shape and size of these veins may vary, and piles can either be internal or external. It can occur during the pregnancy too and there are excellent minimally invasive piles in pregnancy treatment.
Classifications of Piles, or Hemorrhoids
Internal Hemorrhoids : Internal hemorrhoids develop deep inside the rectum and may not be visible to the naked eye. They usually do not cause any pain, but you may notice slight bleeding through your anus.
External Hemorrhoids : External hemorrhoids develop on the outer edge of your anus. They may not be visible in some cases, but in other cases, they may look like lumps. External hemorrhoids cause severe pain and discomfort.
Thrombosed Hemorrhoids : Sometimes, blood clots develop within the hemorrhoid tissue. These are known as thrombosed hemorrhoids. They cut off the blood supply to the rectal tissue, causing extreme pain. If left untreated, thrombosed hemorrhoids can cause severe complications.
Prolapsed Hemorrhoids : Prolapsed hemorrhoids develop when the internal hemorrhoids swell and start to bulge outside the anus. They can cause itchiness, pain, discomfort, and a burning sensation.
Piles Hemorrhoids

What causes Piles?
Usually, piles are caused due to excessive pressure on your rectal region. Under pressure, the blood vessels in the rectum and around the anal region stretch out and swell, forming bulges known as piles. It may be due to:
Straining during bowel movements
Chronic diarrhea and constipation
Lifting heavy objects and weights
In most cases of piles, there are no noticeable symptoms. Piles usually resolve on their own within a few days or weeks.
The common signs and symptoms of piles include:
An itchy, sore, and red anal region
Pain during bowel movements
Bright red blood after passing stool
The feeling of a hard, painful lump around the anal region
In severe cases of piles, the symptoms are:
The inability to control bowel movements, known as fecal incontinence
Excessive anal bleeding
Strangulated hemorrhoid, which occurs when its blood supply is cut off
Anal fistula, which is a bridge created between the inside and outside of the anal region
If you experience any of these symptoms, seek medical assistance immediately.
In most cases, piles resolve on their own and do not require any treatment. However, some treatment options can provide relief from symptoms such as itching, pain, and discomfort. The expert team of doctors and surgeons at Smiles Gastroenterology provide each patient with the best piles treatment in Bangalore. The various treatment options include:
Home Remedies
Home remedies can help relieve mild symptoms such as inflammation, pain, or swelling from piles.
Consume vegetables, fruits and high-fiber foods to help soften the stool and increase its bulk. This will slow down the symptoms from worsening.
Use over-the-counter topical medications with hydrocortisone or heating pads that contain numbing agents or witch hazel.
Soak your anal region in warm water for 10 to 15 minutes. Do this twice or thrice a day to relieve mild symptoms.
If your piles cause mild pain and discomfort, your doctor may recommend over-the-counter ointments, lotions, pads, or creams. These contain witch hazel, lidocaine, and hydrocortisone, which can help provide relief from mild pain, itching, and discomfort. However, do not use over-the-counter medications for more than a week unless prescribed by your doctor.
Surgical Options
In cases of painful piles, your doctor may recommend surgical options. These include:
Rubber band ligation - The doctor will place small bands around the internal hemorrhoid to cut off its blood supply. It will cause hemorrhoids to shrink and fall off in a few days.
Sclerotherapy - The doctor will inject a chemical injection into your hemorrhoid to shrink it. This procedure may be less effective than rubber band ligation.
Coagulation - This technique will use infrared light, laser or heat to harden and shrivel internal hemorrhoids.
Hemorrhoidectomy - The surgeon will remove any excess tissue that may be causing the bleeding. It is the most effective treatment for completely removing piles.
Hemorrhoid Stapling - This procedure involves blocking the blood flow to the hemorrhoid tissue. Although it is less painful than a hemorrhoidectomy, it has an increased risk of hemorrhoid recurrence or rectal prolapse, where a part of the rectum comes out of the anus.
Result Most cases of piles resolve on their own and do not require surgery. However, the few people that do undergo surgery show positive results.
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